PRASAD Chikitsa was incorporated in 1994 but it really began in the 1960s with the dilapidated houses rebuilt for 1000 poor families and the critically important medical hospital travelling to villages in the 70s. Initially much of the work was done by volunteers, including Australians, who offered their professional services on the bus or in the eye camp tents on rice fields. Today that is not necessary but it would not be possible for PRASAD Chikitsa to offer the extraordinarily wide diversity of services it does without your generosity. Our role now is to support the work being done. The programs are critical and your donations are invaluable.


Download the pdf version here.

PRASAD Australia Summer Newsletter 2019
PRASAD Summer newsletter nov 192
PRASAD Summer newsletter nov 192
PRASAD Summer newsletter nov 192

How You Can Help

  • $25 provides indigenous rice seeds for 40 farmers for one year
  • $60 supports the plantation and caring of 200 shade trees
  • $130 contributes to a toilet being built for a family
  • $200 sponsors the construction of an hygienic toilet
  • $750 allocates school materials to go to 100 children
  • $900 provides nutritional supplements for 100 children for a month

Remember all donations over $2 are tax deductible.

Already a monthly donor?

If your monthly donation has not changed for some time, would you consider raising it?
Even a few dollars could make a big difference.

Leaving a Legacy

Have you considered nominating PRASAD Australia as a beneficiary in your will?
This could be in the form of money, or a percentage of the assets of your estate.
Find out more HERE.