
HIV / Aids Programs

Currently, there are estimated to be 2.1 million HIV positive cases in India. As in other parts of the developing world, HIV/AIDS in India affects the most vulnerable and marginalized people. The Tansa Valley is particularly vulnerable to HIV/AIDS, as it has a large migratory workforce because of the industry in the region, and two major truck routes that traverse the valley.

PRASAD Chikitsa’s HIV/AIDS Programs

PRASAD Chikitsa began HIV/AIDS awareness programs in the Tansa Valley in 2004. In 2005, we added medical services. As of late 2011, the award-winning programs had reached 78,589 people. More than 1,495 HIV-positive people are registered with PRASAD’s HIV/AIDS Program – an increase of 40 percent from 2009. That means more people are seeking treatment and curbing the spread of the disease. In 2009, the program’s staff hosted a training session attended by representatives from other India-based NGOs.

The objectives of PRASAD Chikitsa’s Comprehensive HIV/AIDS programs are to:

  • create awareness about HIV/AIDS
  • provide early diagnosis, treatment and support
  • serve children whose lives have been affected by the disease.