A Variety of Ways To Donate
Thank you for choosing to make a real difference in people’s lives!
Your tax-deductible donation will help bring vital health care, life changing education and sustainable development
to communities in need.
Thank you for choosing to make a real difference in people’s lives!
Donations over $2 are tax-deductible.
All donations made through PayPal are a safe, secure and easy way to give online.
No PayPal account? No problem! Use PayPal as a Guest.
Simply complete this form below, click the Submit button at the bottom of the form and follow the prompts to use PayPal as a Guest.
* Fields marked with an asterisk are required.
Would you like to leave a legacy?
It is simple to make provision for a gift to PRASAD® Australia in your will.
Your tax-deductible donation will continue to bring vital health care, life-changing education and sustainable development to individuals and communities in need in India’s Tansa Valley.
The form of words to be used varies slightly by the form of such a gift, for example whether it is a painting or jewellery or other valuable item, or a percentage of assets, real estate or cash or from an insurance policy.
The information sheet How to Make a Bequest (click HERE for the downloadable pdf) provides suitable forms of words for inclusion in your will, or to provide to your legal adviser for this purpose. It can be printed directly from this site.
Should you have any more detailed inquiries, Joan Napoli, our Company Secretary, will be happy to advise you. She may be contacted at
Joan Napoli
Robert Napoli & Co
PO Box 104
Thank you for choosing to make a real difference in people’s lives!
Donations over $2 are tax-deductible.
Your donation will help bring vital health care, life changing education and sustainable development to communities in need.
Please let us know if you would like to make your donation in honour of a special person or cause.
To donate by cheque, please make out cheques to:
PRASAD Australia
PO Box 366
Leichhardt NSW 2040
PRASAD Australia ACN 099 466 654
Thank you for choosing to make a real difference in people’s lives!
Donations over $2 are tax-deductible.
Your donation will help bring vital health care, life changing education and sustainable development to communities in need.
Please let us know if you would like to make your donation in honour of a special person or cause.
To make your donation by bank transfer, send transfer in favor of:
PRASAD Australia
BSB: 013 560
Acc. No: 451239651
ANZ Bank
PRASAD Australia ACN 099 466 654